Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good morning!!!
It is Christmas day, and there is hardly anything to do, seeing as there is hardly anyone to do anything with.
I didn't know really what to do, until I got on the computer, and it suddenly hit me! "Why not write a new blog post on Christmas? It's been long enough!" And so here I am. It was interesting, In our Sunday school class at church on Sunday, Mr. Ayers asked us what we normally do for Christmas, I thought it was interesting to hear what others did, going over to other family, watch a movie. As for OUR Christmas Tradition, It is quite simple, The first one up will turn on "It's a Wonderful Life" Which hasn't happened yet today because it is so early. All that's happening now is Hot Chocolate for Me and Benny, but we'll get to watching it later... So we watch It's a Wonderful Life until people show up, then we play games with family. Our Christmas is quite laid back and relaxed, we aren't generally in a rush to do anything, or go somewhere, so it's a fun day for all.
So what do you do for your Christmas? I would love to know, and I'm sure others would as well.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


  1. Our Christmas is also very, very laid back. We start the day early and the women prepare are big breakfast feast. Then we eat. Then we sing 1-2 Christmas songs then open presents one person at a time. The rest of the day is full of relaxation.

  2. Ours is really laid back too. We get up, look in our stockings, open presents, and then we prepare the food. We don't really have any meals, it's just eat what's on the table, which consists of rolls, fake sushi, and other stuff.
