Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pt. 4 of Ch. 2: Spades and Shafts

                                                           Pt. 4

                 Josiah hurled himself towards Mr. Forest as the man ducked to a pre-jump position. Mr. Forest launched himself upwards, did a double kick in mid-air and landed it perfectly into Josiah's chest. Josiah felt himself knocked backwards, but quickly recovered by doing a backwards roll into a crouch. He attempted to reach the man a second time, but was again repelled by a perfectly executed trick that left Josiah out of breath. He fell to the ground, gasping for breath, and saw Mr. Forest walk towards him. Josiah quickly reacted by rolling over, disappearing, appearing behind Mr. Forest, and spinning his leg to trip him. Although Mr. Forest fell, he never hit the ground. He re-appeared directly behind Josiah, grabbed him by the neck, and tossed him to the ground. Again, Josiah saw the strange glint in the man's eyes. Mr. Forest walked to Josiah, mumbling the same strange words Josiah had heard him say before. Josiah couldn't move. Mr. Forest reached him, and kicked him over multiple times. Josiah felt his rage. At last, the man relented. But worse was yet to come. Josiah was allowed to move again. But wished he wasn't. He hopped to his feet, a new sense of power inside. The man had killed Mike. He wasn't about to let the same thing happen to him. He charged towards Mr. Forest, jumped, and performed the perfect jump-kick into Mr. Forest's chest. Josiah landed on top of him. He banged Jackson's head against the floor and whispered one word. "Why?"
Mr. Forest laughed and said, "you wouldn't understand, young one. You and your little tricks. You think there's nothing above you, but you're WRONG!" his laugh turned into a yell as he threw Josiah off of himself, jumped to his feet, and brushed off his coat.
"You may think you're smarter, stronger, and more mature than anybody else because of what you've done. Don't fool yourself. If you want to grow up. Face loss. Face pain. Look it in the eye and say 'hit me again'. When you've done that, let me know. Oh, wait. Never mind, I was told to kill you." Josiah snarled and jumped to his feet. He attacked Mr. Forest, but the words he'd just heard had affected him somehow. He felt small. The hands that were trying so hard to bring down this man in front of him had somehow lost their worth. He let his hands fall limp. He stared into Mr. Forest's eyes, and felt himself fall to his knees. He bowed his head as he felt Mr. Forest's hands close around his head.

He felt a sharp twist, then felt nothing.

Coming up next! Chapter 3: Diamonds and Gold.


  1. O.O What is it with people killing off their main characters lately?!

  2. What!? Are you serious? That's it? That's not fun at all. He's not dead. Only the killing-curse can deprive someone of their life completely. lol. This better not be the end, or I'll flunk your story.

  3. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... >.0
    This chapter was one of my favorites though, the fight was pretty awesome... :D

    I am with Daniel on this one... :P
