Monday, May 9, 2011

Here we go again.......

Wow Elisa. Thanks a lot. (This is sarcasm by the way)

Well, I already have 6 comments saying I shouldn't shut the blog down, although what I was looking for is more what you like about the blog. I had a master scheme you see...... But nevermind, It obviously won't happen for a while...

I guess this means I have to keep blogging. Fine. Have it your way.
Notice, I would have kept blogging, but with a blog nobody knows about. (Except for a select few people.)

But! Anyways! I had figured that nobody cared enough for the blog to stay open, so I have no idea what to blog about other than my book. So! Any suggestions?


  1. I gave you my suggestions...boy

  2. Yessssssssssss. I told you that I would link it and tell all my bloggy friends!!! HA! HA! HA! I totally got my way! >:)
    I say things like school, everyday life and things like that! :D

  3. Hey it takes time to acquire 50 followers!! Don't give up! I love your background btw, boats and water always make me feel peaceful and happy!!
