Saturday, November 13, 2010

Goal of the blog

So Benny got another blog yesterday, somewhat of a surprise to me considering that my words were what made him choose to do so, here's a link to it:

Anyways, he brought me back to what I first intended to do with this blog, he reminded me that I had a goal.
Although many of you may not like it all that much... I sort of touched on my goal a little while ago with my post: "Music."
My Mom has said this to me many many times over the years, and it starts to make quite a bit of sense when I hear the stuff many kids out there listen to nowadays: "There's music, and then there's noise."
I will try to help good songwriters and book writers to realize this and improve their style into what I believe is right.
This was said by a friend a while ago: "It's hard to find a good book, because it seems all the authors out there have been becoming weak writers, there isn't anyone quite like C. S. Lewis, or J. R. Tolkien, or even Lloyd Alexander, who were great authors. All the authors nowadays just make up a story and write it down, they have nothing involved with it, like religion, or theology. Nowadays it's just somebody makes up a story and tries to make it sound as cool as it can, which could be done by a 5 year old."
This sort of made me see the path I was going down with my books, and it will greatly improve my books no doubt. I can only try and make it help you as well...

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