Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tag Post continued...

 I've been tagged again... 1. what's your favorite article of clothing? I'm not quite sure I understand this question...  2. Favorite games? (boardgame, card game, etc.) I really like President (a card game) 3. favorite season of the year and why Winter, I love the snow...
4. a favorite dream you remember  I barely ever have any dreams, and can't recall any at the moment   5. If you could be an animal what would it be and why?  I would be a wolf, because wolves are awesome...   6. What did you say you wanted to grow up as when you were little? I can recall saying I wanted to be 2 things: a policeman and a superhero
7. a favorite injury and it's story I have a scar on my left hand that I got when climbing a basketball pole, My hand got stuck and I had to wrench it out, the rip was so deep I could see the bone...   8. a favorite childhood memory.I'm not sure...  I can't think of many right now... 

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