Wednesday, November 17, 2010

(No Subject.)

If I were to say 2+2=5, what is the first thing that would pop into your head? If you are like me, you would think "Radiohead!!! Yes!!!" But I highly doubt there is anyone else who would do that...
So my apologies, yesterday I was excessively weird, and was allowed on the computer, that was a bad decision... And so, I had said my next post would be about how I hate flies when they fly around my face and buzz when I am trying to concentrate? Although I really do hate it when flies buzz around my face when I am trying to concentrate, this is not the main subject of this post.

And so the main reason I am writing this is to tell you how much I regret the last post, although really you should read This Blog... Although the road the blog had meant to take has gone down a different path, I'm guessing it will still be enjoyable to read...

And so I am considering coming up with a logo for my band (one-man-band) Wide Eyed Eclecticism. Every good band should have a logo, right?? And so I ask myself, should it be something music-note related, like the name on a fret board, or a small piano with each key another letter? or should I do something completely different, such as the name enclosed in a shape, such as a block like this one:

You could imagine that, couldn't you?

Anyways, I'm debating over which I should choose. So if you have a preference, or even a new idea, either comment, or send me a Facebook message! Thanks!


  1. I totally think of Radiohead. :P Why would you think you were the only one... That's the name of one of the songs so of course it's the first thing to come to mind.

  2. I don't know... It's been brought up at school about 10 times now, and nobody else really understood what I meant when I said "Radiohead!!!" under my breath...
